My first pair of boots are cold dark mornings and hot afternoons.
They are walking through knee deep snow and wading through rushing creeks.
They are the smell of a roaring campfire and hot coffee.
They are my first time whitetail hunting in subzero temps.
They are a fresh snowfall as Amy and I head out on opening morning and I shoot my first buck.
Are they the best boots out there?
I honestly don’t know and don’t care.
That’s not the point…
They didn’t just meet a need for me, they met an experience
When it comes time to replace these old boots, I already know I’m going to buy from the same company, because their boots allowed me to create unforgettable memories and experiences.
At “Gregg Media”, we are helping brand’s, like this boot company, tell stories like mine, to show other people that the product or service can help real people obtain far more than just the product or service.
We are loyal to different brands because of the story they told us about ourselves.
We all love a good story!
If you ask me what ads have stuck with me over the years, I can name them without hesitation.
They were the ones that told a good story.
A good story helps you reach your ideal clients in a way that creates brand loyalty.
Do you remember a specific ad, because of the story it told? I'd love to hear what one!